

The beauty is her pride
Her beauty is the pride
in it she finds joy like that is all there is
her beauty is her might
in it she could conquer any man
So she choose to let good slip away
hoping good people will always come
her beauty is her strength
in it she hides her weakness
Too proud to let others help out

Her beauty is her all
so she floods the hearts of men with joy
Her beauty gives her all
so she never stops demanding
Her beauty leads her astray
making her the enemy of herself

Her beauty is her fall
because her world depends on it
So she Knows nothing about value
Her beauty is her might
So she became powerless when it faded suddenly
Her beauty has destoyed her
because it was too late to be valuable
Her beauty is her plague
For it gave her the best of life only to take it away

Beauty doesn't give you Value
as Love does not make you useful
"You can be loved and not be wanted, Value makes people want you".