

Moving on...
The art of letting go….

Why did no one said to me that love can be painful as well? Why did no one said to me that sometimes no matter how much effort you put, you will never win the heart of the one who you loved the most? Why did no one said to me sometimes you had to let go your love to prove your love for her?

When I said to my friends: “Guys you know she told me that she likes me back as well”, your celebrations made me dive into a very elixir of life. But why did no one told me during that time that relationships have their own hurdles and sometimes both need to cross the hurdles to make the bond stronger. If one gives up early, even if you try to cover it up for her, the relationship becomes worthless.

I am being such a dumb. Who ruins a beautiful moment by saying the possible dangers and ill effects of it? I mean suppose a couple makes a pregnancy announcement and instead of celebrating someone says that your baby can be miscarriaged so be careful. I'm sure I would break the teeth of that person who would have said this..

When she left me, I felt the world shattering down. By the time she left me, I already made her my own world. By the time she left me, I already made her my source of happiness. Did she even care if I had enough memories of her to last me a lifetime?

From the time she left me, I would always lay down on my bed crying, thinking about all the good memories. I didn't know how to get over this dilemma. I had no attention on my studies or on any other activities. I left eating. I was battling within my own self. I didn't know whether it was normal to cry like this over a person. No one said to me love can also cause you pain. And now since I was in this phase, should I follow the old school tradition of going to a gym and make a body and get over her now?

First 3 weeks it would hurt you a lot. When you realize the reality of not having the person you dreamt of and that another man would live your dream. But it's OK. Love hurts. Cry as much as you want. If you think about her anytime, do 10 push ups. But then don't waste your time. What you could have done as a human you did. Also now everytime you cannot win. Sometimes lesson of heartbreak teach you a good lesson too. Take your time. Maybe take a week. Cry as much as you want, think as much as you want but then after one week, be stronger and happier than ever before.

The art of letting go is not to forget about everything at one go and move on, the art of letting go is to take your time to get over that person and then promising to be the best version of yourself and moving on.

© Maniiish_29