

Enkosi Madiba!
Segregation, discrimination
vast tribulation, the great depression.
The Great Depression!
Not economical sufferation,
but racial victimization.
Apartheid delusion!
The senseless separation of skin.

At a time when my brown
dare not stand near white,
dare not sit, dare not co-exist,
there arose a revolutionary,
a Savior.
Fashioned with love in a sea of hate
muddled by blue eyes
who saw us as

But greater love hath no man
than this
that he lay down his life
for his people.
Oh Madiba!
You have exalted
your fellow man forever.
You who found comfort
in your suffering,
traded hate for love,
resentment for forgiveness,
whispered peace into the ears of war.
Humanity boasts your existence!

As the freedom of one
secured the freedom of all,
may we live to be
worthy of your sacrifice.
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