

A sudden change
I don't really know what to say
About your new shade the color Grey
A change that came so suddenly
A change not done intentionally
You use to be so free so light
dancing in the beautiful bages and white
A spirit only made for a light fight
What happened to that girl I wonder?
The cruelty of the world she has uncovered
A reality she wished she'd never discovered
She learned right then she had to guard her heart
she couldn't let anyone break it again or tear it apart
she learned not to wear it recklessly on her sleeve
because that only left her once before with pain and grief
She learned not to change who she was to please others
her feelings and needs she intentionally smothers
A soul once kind and selfless
Has now been mishandled by a world too selfish
Now here she stands bruises covered
A new understanding she has offered
Tempered by experience and pain
This girl is wiser she will never be the same

#sadness #growth#healing

© eve_is_a_poet