

~Love, Drugs, & other beautiful things that might kill me~
I count the steps you take when you walk away from me, listening to the same old ugly overbearingly loud car, squeal out of the drive way,
Am i the one creating this fury & anger between us?
I tend to be cold and distant, then the next minute beg for any sort of affection from you, Trust me i know my very being is quite confusing, as i am just as confused of myself as anyone else..... But
This isnt the first time.
Ive been known to do weird things that make people wanna leave me behind.
Ive always had addiction in my life,
Weather it was me or someone whom i care for,
hooked on taking that
last pill,
last drink, or
That last line,
I crave anything that fills the tiny hole poked in me, I leak like a dripping faucet that wasnt turned off all the way after you did the dishes at 3 am.

Its been awhile now, and i realized over time, your my true addiction
Your like my own personal brand of heroin, and when i got you with me its the best high i could ever receive,
you talk about race cars and how you feel so free when your going down a road going as fast as you can and all you can feel and hear is thw sound of your own heart beat
And how nothing can top that feeling for you,

How you feel about fast cars,
That freedom and fearless happy feeling you feel, well...

Thats what you are for me.
my freedom, my courage, your my fearless happy drug.

I could go on and on about you, but im afraid id have to write a couple books if i did,

People like you are to good for people like me

Your To good to reak like ciggerettes,and stutter your words nervously over fear if not being good enough.
Cause i hope you know your more then enough, you always have been,
your worth is unimaginable, breath taking, beautiful ,strong, amazing.
Honestly words cant even describe your worth and how much i love you.

Its scary to say, to think, to know, but i am completly and utterly head over heals in love with you ~ ❤
And honestly i may feel scared of feeling that, but I also know im just as equally excited and happy to feel that love as well.

hope you dont find me to cheesy, and mushy, but my brother told me once that sometimes the most beautiful and important things must be written, and not spoken to the people you love, expeshally when your me and tend to fuck up speaking about magical things and beings such as yourself ~

I hope this brings you some enlightment, makes you feel something, makes you happy.

All i have wanted is for you to be full heartedly happy,
ill honestly keep trying my best to make that happiness happen for you my love ~❤