

Aah! I was searching for a best friend since long,
I wanted someone to make me strong,
I heard someone say that these friends are life long?!
Oh come on, they are with you to sing their own song,
As a boy getting and losing one best friend each year,
Some got seperated due to others.....some due to fear,
But later I realised everybody is selfish my friend,
It's you and me who will cry in the end,
They say that they were my true friend,
But wait! where were you when I was crying due to shend,
Friends are meant for making fun of everything,
Telling good and bad is a job for a bully,
Me? I am still in search of a soul like me,
A soul who will truly be a friend of me,
A search of one whose voice will make me carefree,
In search of myself who is the real best friend of me........