

Message in the Stars
the stars are blinking
reds and blues
sometimes chartreuse
what are they doing?
what does it mean?
strap on your seatbelt
we’re all ‘bout to see
we all on this rock
and pulled enough rope
spoken before from
the mouth of a Pope
coughing up failure
on our lows
we will choke
and wait for The Event
upon the eastern sky
trade out all anger
for food that can chew
do it for God to do & do & do
think not of yourself
be a slave for a Jew
and pray as hard as you can
it’s a message
or a warning
this world will not scream
it will whimper
and go up in flames
no flood for a change
the dust of our desperate lives
settled on the windshield
of every car around
so I ask…
are they trying to kill us?
or fucking save us?
I’ll keep my mouth shut
and my head halfway on
my heart is pure but
it’s my mind that’s loaded
pick up back where we
both had started

© Cody Cleen 2023