

Nature's Hymn

In the whispers of nature a sacred hymn unfolds,
A symphony of colors, a story yet untold
With each gentle breeze, a tale is softly woven,
A masterpiece of creation, by the hand of God, it's proven.

The trees sway in reverence, their branches reaching high,
As if in prayer, they praise the heavens and the sky.
Their leaves, a vibrant tapestry, painted with divine grace,
Reflecting the boundless love, shining from God's face.

The flowers bloom in splendor, their petals like a crown,
Each blossom a testament to God's glory, profound.
Their fragrant whispers carry songs of joy and delight,
Inviting every soul to bask in nature's resplendent sight.

The mountains stand majestic, towering towards the sky,
Whispering ancient wisdom, as time goes swiftly by.
Their peaks adorned with snow, glistening pure and white,
A reminder of God's power, His majesty, infinite.

The rivers flow with purpose, their currents gently glide,
Whispering tales of mercy, as they journey far and wide.
They cleanse the earth's wounds, bringing life to all they touch,
A symbol of God's grace, His love that's always enough.

The birds soar through the air, their melodies divine,
Whispering songs of praise, as they gracefully align.
Their wings carry hope, as they navigate life's trials,
A reminder of God's presence, through every mile.

Oh, nature's whispers are a testament, a gentle call,
To witness God

© kaylincatherinewilliams