

We all are Indians.
Whenever anyone say something bad about India we can't tolerate it. Whenever there is indian teams playing in Olympic,in cricket or others we are the one to cheer them. Whenever our government did something good we always support them .
We celebrate every festival , Holi, Diwali, Lohri , Christmas, Ganesh chaturthi and Id.
Whenever our soldiers fought with enemies,
We support them and pray for their wellness.
We cultivate crops for India.
We works for India in rains and heats.
Then why today when we stand for my rights,
We become terrorist or khasiltaani ?
This flag is the sign of purity,khalsa means pure.
Under this flag sikh gurus saved hindus from mugals.
Then why today this is sign of terrorism ?
We are INDIAN FARMERS and we are not terrorist.