

The Intricacy of Life
The rolling days have turned some things into a bit of absurdity,
See how technology controls our daily tasks and journey,
Life gets easier but somewhere else is humpy,
Busyness mounts and relationships seem to get stuck and lousy.

So true, easy life is our fondest dream,
Though the roads out there could be rough and steep,
Yet we must march forward and have caution reigned our wit,
So when we fall, pull ourselves up with dignity and strength.

Believe that life is mysteriously crafted,
Wearing wisdom is a sure defense to cuddle in,
Without it, intricacy will court us surely in a messy heap,
To drag our feeble minds toward the waiting shrewedness of perilous pit.

© Rosha FT 2020-21. All Rights Reserved. qbsalie.com