

Perennial Candy

How many candies can I have
To cherish the sweetness
Perhaps till I get diabetes

How many people can I include
For love is ultimate sweetness
Perhaps till eternity

Black or brown, men or women
Slave or prostitute, terrorist or teacher

Isnt everyone on street made of what I'm made up of

Hasn't nature created with equal detail, beauty and grace

Whom to include in the boat of life
Whom to reject, whom to accept
Whom to serve, who to stab
Whether the one who fed or the one who stole

Let me love all irrespective of what I get
Let me feed all irrespective of my hunger

Mom gets her atmost joy with just a baby
What is it to include 7.6 billion babies within me
And to be mother and to love.

Isnt this love about me and sweetness within me
Let you all know what I know and feel what I feel
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