

Growing Pains
When a child you're told the agonizing pain in your legs means you're growing.
Now being grown doesn't mean the pain goes away.
Just like you, the pain grew.

So much easier it was to rely on creams and wet cloths to make the pain go away but now not even medications can make the pain fade.

Being all grown up isn't all it's cracked up to be.
Balancing life, school, and work just seems like so much effort for nothing.

So much easier it was to pretend being all grown up.
Pretending to be the world's greatest artist, the best police officer ever seen, the most amazing baker ever known, the finest chef in the world, or sometimes just being you.
Since when did that become so hard to do?..

Now, all grown up you look back and wish for one more game.
You wish and you hope to wake up from that nap you took at the age of six and wish it was only the nap you took for those fifteen extra minutes instead of it being damn near fifteen years..

Being all grown up is reality.
You've woken up to find childhood is now left, what seems like an eternity behind you yet when you think about it, wasn't that just yesterday?...

Growing pains are annoying and it doesn't stop at the tender of six or even sixteen.
When you're grown, expectations surround you and they become overwhelming.
Everyone expects so much from you due to your age, but what they don't seem to understand or remember is that you yourself are still trying to wrap your head around over the fact that you've woken up from that nap and you're now an adult.
And that day you were on those swings wasn't yesterday..

Growing pains don't disappear but in those moments you'll find you're better because of your pain.
Today is a pain, tomorrow might be the same I'm not gonna lie but, someday you'll see why you had growing pains.
It wasn't just to make you a few inches taller.

© FragmentsInTheWind

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