

Creative Poem by Thokozani Ndinisa

Title : Child of the soil

I was born in here
Yes, I was raise here
I know how life is in a village and to go to the city….
Just to pursue better opportunities…

In my blood flows the DNA of my country…
I am African child
I am taught how to honor and respect another person
South Africa is my motherland
I am proud to be born in South Africa!

My roots come from South Africa, and I am grateful to be part of this nation…
Arise Africa…
Long live my fellow brother's and sister's in Africa…
The world is waiting to witness Africa becoming one united continent…
One voice Africa…
Together, we stand Africa
Together, we conquer
Together we take care of each other
Together we love each other and demonstrate “Ubuntu”
Let us nations learn from Africa!

Copyright : Thokozani Ndinisa Creative Literature Content Production in South Africa© Thokozani Ndinisa Quotes