

I've been

I've been cheated,
Loved and played.
I've been praised as beauty
To be taken advantage of.
I've been cherished so they
Could see the unseen world.
Been silent to accommodate
Their opinions.

I've been decorated with lies
To create fake ties,
Showed smiles to forget hatred.
Amused to be confused.
Am used to be abused.
Betrayed and hurt.
I've been misunderstood
And seen as a traitor.
I've been treated as trash
To impress other people.

I've been hurt to sleep
With a broken heart
Crying myself to sleep.
Promised empty emotions.
I've been judged before sentencing.
Neglected before accepted.

Disappointed by people I held high.
Cursing by people I helped.
I've been wished evil by people I loved.
I loved by never received love back.
I've been set traps by people I trusted.
I've been treated like a memory
Hidden in a secret compartment.

I've been crippled yet I stand firm.
Still I smile and move forward.
Stronger I grow and never giving up.
Lessons I learn and teach others.
As broken and dirty I can be
I still give a helping hand.

By:Melvey koka(the surgical poet)
@copyright reserved
Sonador the dreamer
19 March 2020
© Melvey koka