

The Gift

   A soul who's love is so profound, isn't always appreciated. Not everyone is as deserving of your good heart, especially if your worth cannot be seen.
  It isn't unheard of that the first step towards self- healing is a heavy one to take.
Mending a wounded heart isn't easy, and who's to say how long it will take for one to pick up the pieces.
  The road will certainly be a difficult one, but once the strength has been summoned from within, the healing process can begin.
  As the pages of your life turn, the layers of heartache that weighed so heavily will slowly lighten.
  It'll be some time before a full recovery has set in, and when that time comes, only then will you be ready to start the next chapter in your life.

  Of course there will be obstacles, but what I've come to realize, and accept, is that putting yourself first doesn't make you wrong.
  Though mixed feelings will certainly make you question this, you must remind yourself that you cannot control how others feel about you, but you are in control of how you let those feelings affect you.

  I've also learned that we are the creators of our own depressive hell, and only we can choose to let it keep us there.

  Through your self- healing journey, the option to share this process with those who are more deserving of your good heart may help you put things in perspective, and keep your spirit afloat.
  They may help get you through the dark storm that threatens to weigh you down.

   As I've said before....

If your worth cannot be seen, or it is taken for granted, then one doesn't deserve the gift that is you.

   I wish you a well and safe journey on your next chapter.

                    Written by
                Sarah M Gutierrez


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