

My first Panic Attack
In the throngs of the city, my heart raced with fear,
My breathing quickened, my mind filled with dread and despair.
I felt the ground beneath me sway, my vision blurred and dim,
As panic gripped me tight, like a vice that wouldn't slim.

The world around me spun, a kaleidoscope of noise,
My senses reeled, my thoughts in disarray, a wild, chaotic voice.
I felt my knees buckle, my body weak, my soul in pain,
As panic's icy grip held me fast, like a cruel, heartless chain.

But then, like a ray of light, a sea of faces appeared,
Their eyes filled with concern, their voices soft and clear.
They gathered round me, a crowd of strangers, yet so dear,
Their touch, their words, their love, banished my fear.

They held me up, they calmed my mind, they soothed my soul,
Their kindness and compassion, my panic did control.
I felt my strength return, my heart beat steady once more,
And in that moment, I knew, I was not alone anymore.

The worst kind of feeling, the panic that I'd known,
Was replaced with a sense of hope, a sense of home.
For in the faces of those strangers, I saw a glimpse of grace,
A reminder that we're all in this together, in this human race.

And though the memory of that day will always remain,
I'll never forget the kindness that I found in the crowd's embrace.
For in the midst of my panic, they showed me their hearts,
And in that moment, I found a strength that would forever last.

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