

The girl named " Helen "

The girl named " Helen "
Was with many disabilities,
The way she lived her life
Was unique than those of her besties.

Her guide miss Sullivan
Met her when she was six,
She changed her as a magic
Her great destiny was fix.

Love towards the nature
She learnt from her teacher,
Now she could identify every object
and Could communicate with every creature.

What a great thinking she has
She fights with all her problem,
Everyone was worried about her future
She made her future awesome.

Her curiosity of knowledge
Makes her more and more perfect,
She did that thing
Which no one could expect

Now she become a great writer
she was as sharp as knife
Her courage of writing about herself
in  " The story of my life"

The greatness of her story
Was happiness of her mentor,
She made her parents emblish
as her name is in world forever

Her blind love for knowledge
Was a gods creation,
The success of her story
Is bigger than our imagination

                    ---soumya tiwari ✍️

Happy birthday to author
        "Helen keller"
        27 june 1880

🌷my this poem got published in regional magazine of my school (kendriya vidyalaya sangathan)
when i was in class 12🌻✨🙏🏻#grateful

© soumya.tiwari