

The little deity that demands to be worshiped
It fills your soul with it's potent fragrance
Kings and queens are brought to their knees
By this little deity

The purest of souls becomes the darkest abyss
Controlled and empowered for its purpose
Breaking free is not an option
Underestimate not the power of this deity

This deity relishes the torment it gives
Playing on weaknesses
Poking and provoking
A volcanic eruption

For this spontaneous deity
Comes and goes at whim
In uncontrollable bouts
Preying on it's unsuspecting victims

Inside its shrine weapons are created
Killing and destroying
Like a fire breathing dragon
Consuming all in it's path

When this deity is done
Regrets and emptiness are left in its wake
With you crumbling to your knees
The extent of damages unfolds.