

Time has blown you away from me like strong winds,
I hope you don't forget what we have shared
It seems like it was only yesterday when we were kids
But future came too fast as a curious hare

I really wish we could be together once again
Cos you are the lamp that lights up my life
If, oh if only I knew
That we will get separated one day
Then I would have told you everything I had wanted to tell you

But time, as cruel as the terror of the seas
Took you away from me, o my beloved
Along with you, was blown away from me my heart and happy glees
But nevertheless I rest assured
For my heart is in my beloved's hands

Though distance separates us, our connection will forever endure
A love so pure, will surely survive time's twists and contour
For our love roots in the memories we have sown
And I hope time never erases what we have long known
So my love, in the passage of time's sway
Our memories will, in our hearts forever stay

Thus, though the winds of time may blow and wane
Our Love's flame will forever reign
And the same winds of time that took you away
Will bring you back to me some day
I hope we meet again once more in the future
© Purpleletta