

Subliminal Thoughts
Being transformed from a life that’s non existent,
Strengthening my condition, with the energy to go the distance.
So many obstacles in the physical, yet my spirit is non resistant.
Thoughts consume my mind rapidly in an instance.
It’s not that I am mentally unstable,
Or physically unable.
Dreams come and go like the wind, yet some dreams remain.
The vast mass of my brain, make some thoughts hard to contain.
Subliminal thoughts made clear, steering me on the road of life.
Lord take the wheel, of myself, I don’t have control of life.
Help me grasp the thoughts of my mind’s conception,
To give birth to new ideas, showing my inner soul’s reflection.
From glory to glory, taking life one day at a time.
Escaping this maze of depression, understanding the ways of the mind. Sometimes it can be hard to manage,
Like my actions and motives do more damage.
Greed makes a man feel superior, lack of confidence makes a man feel inferior.
Only God knows how to deal with a man from the interior.
Giving subliminal thoughts, only that man could understand.
Spiritual wisdom gifted to one man, to pass to the next man’s hand.
© Isaiah Daniel McCowan