

I must not forget
Shattered were my dreams
Lil louder and harder I scream
Stabed multiple times
Crushed were my faith
Act of love was that, not hate

I must not forget those sleppless night
Weeping all night, and shevirin with fright
M I gonna die or be killed
Next day his lie, act wasn't willed

Thinking of falling in love again give me butterflies
And the horror of my one sided love is more venomous than black flies

How can I forget all those bruises
Shivering cold night without blankets
His punches and kicks
My swollen lips
Thosse dark days of persistent
Which threatened my existence

When I struggled so hard just to survive
Nearly dead, I plead, I beged
For mercy and for love
For at leat a piece of bread

My suffering were extreme
Happiness seems impossible dream
Yes now I have changed my gears
I somehow learned to face my fears

Started fresh, cleared all my mess
But I must not forget, How it feel
To protect myself from such terror
I must not forget, the reason

I need to bear the pain to keep it fresh
Trying not to forget
how my life turned in living nightmare
I must not forget
how much I plead,
how manhy times bleed.
I should bear this pain forever
Of keeping this memory fresh ever

I can save my soul from this trap

© Author_Punam