

The Suicide Note !
Sitting in a corner,
Eyes filled with tears,
Time, to end pain,
Of those long years!

Now, that fake smile,
Denied from help,
I’m broken inside,
Like pieces of kelp!

While, setting a chair,
Tying anxiety knot,
I’m shivering & my,
Hopes getting shot!

Dear friends, I’m not a
Povert you all know,
But these taunts will,
Never, lets me grow!

I know, that I’ve failed,
But, it is not a crime,
I want a chance, else
My life will sublime!

Dear mom, I cried and
Wept for aid & puny,
But dad, was busy in
Earning some money!

I know, I’m a burden,
As I feels trapped,
I think it’s all done,
And feels wrapped!

I fought too hard,
During de dark days,
But it’s impossible
To find good ways!

Finally, I tied de knot,
Done with all lies,
This is my tale,
A happy goodbye!

- By Raj Kashyap

© @kashyapraj3010