

Behind the door to your memories is..
During the walk amidst chaos,
A stop of serenity comes

A window to the past opens
A glance of reverie it becomes

'A frame of childhood
In which we used to play

"I'll go first & It was try ball"
Screamingly, we used to say

Fighting on this day, laughing on the next
We never led our emotions to rest

Those were the days,
We used to run away from our homework

Today, we are dying for our home
And living for our work

Those were the times,
We dreamt to grow up

Today, we are begging 
To the inner child to show up

Back then, we came to a street named as 'Friend'
And walked with the hope that it would never end

We met so many faces
But some took place in our heart

Sadly, the place kept changing
As being constant is a lost art

The time came tiptoeing
For an offbeat spark to ignite

The first love, the first sight
The first beautiful sleepless night

Scoring in the grades,
Failing in the conversations

Either too shy or too stupid
For the confrontations'

This journey is composed of a melody
"Back to the moments", sung by a bird

Where the ghost of some broken dreams and an incomplete love wanders in the lost World

© alpha_bet_s

#memory #LifeQuote