

The Violence Must Cease
Police, police,
the violence must cease

Killing me while you try to protect or
arrest me makes no sense.
If I refuse to obey, or respect what you say,
use force to fight back, but, if I have no weapon
your gun should not be a part of your counter-attack.

Bruising me, choking me, beating me,
and throwing me to the ground
regardless to whom may or may not be around
is degrading and humiliating
In what training manual can these tactics be found?

Police, how can you be a source of peace when you ignite so much violence?

To shoot and kill first, and put the story together later, is the wrong behavior, and should no longer be your motto,
for the time has come were we shall all reap what we sow.

Derek Chauvin's verdict must serve as evidence
for all of us there is a line that must be kept sacred.

Which means all civilians must obey the laws of the land and our police must serve and protect every woman and man,
no matter the race, creed, or color, so we can all live safely together.
Divided we fall, together we stand my sister's and brothers!