

That spring day
I remember that spring day like it was yesterday,
The sun was shining, the birds were chirping and us school children were playing on the playground.
But, something was off, You didn't show up to school.
I remember hearing that you were in the hospital, but I thought nothing of it.
hours past, and I had to go to class.
A teacher came in the classroom and told us the news that you had "left to be with God"
The whole class seemed to go silent, I felt angry inside, the teacher said, "that was perfectly normal to feel that way."
The bus ride home was a long one,
I got home and could barely speak, I just broke down.
The tears flowed like a waterfall,
My 12yr.old heart was shattered.
The next few days felt like a blur,
I remember seeing the pain in your parents eyes and the balloons we sent to heaven,
Hoping you would somehow receive the messages.
You were loved, I know you couldn't help that you had a "stomach issue", but I still miss you, my dear friend and I hope I get to see you again someday.
hopefully, on a beautiful, spring day.