

Days Never Fade
Days never get old, they were in our past , are in present and will be there forever, days are ubiquitous and will never fade.Days have memories and stories to tell, days are bright ,days are dull .Days have bonding with love ,heartbreak, aches, joy, pleasure and much more.A day has different meaning for everyone ,one sees it as an opportunity, may be for other disappointment, for some a never to forget affair , a life time affair and what not.Have you ever Talked to a day ??? Am I sounding out of my mind, of course not .Do try some day and you will feel something new and different ,what exactly .....everyone has their own experiences .

When I talk to my day,

It seems ordinary but it adds gay,

Fortunate to have days coming and going,

Giving everlasting pleasure and love keeps on flowing .

Days are memories ,days are reminder,

Days give life and work as binder .

Days are divine,

And forever they are mine.

They are the parcel of my bygone days,

But they keep on coming back in many ways.

The shadows of days soothe my spirit,

Their occurrence are so explicit.

The days glimmer, the days shimmer,

And their everlasting recollections brimmer.

The glory of days flows in the air ,

Trap them in your heart ,as they are everywhere.

PS- All days can't be Same
© Shweta k Thapliyal