

Me against Myself
God Vs me

You are in me
if not, then why do I breathe.
Yes you are in me
if not, then why do I succeed.
Say you are in me
if not, then why do I love
and why am I served.
For what is this place
where I’m suppose to face.
Why should I kneel
to make you feel
that I do believe in you
yes I do believe in you.
You know this better than me
then why do you want me to see
what lies deep within my heart?
that which can never tear apart.
So you are in me you admit
to me, my soul I submit.
You too believe now
don’t ask me how.
So I win this war
then why should I agree
that You are my mentor.

My 1st poem, when I was 19.

© 2004 - 2018 SOHAIL G SYED
© Sohail. G. Syed