

Shall I Give You Water?
Hear a voice out of the flame?

"I am, that I am."

Worship titles with no name?

"I am, that I am."

Secrets forged on tablet clay,

For people bored of this new way!

Remembering Egyptian days,

When whips scorched the flesh of slaves!

"I am the Salvation to their suffering,

Tell them that 'I Am' sent you."

But must I, do these things,

That Pharoahs heart will not consent to?

So Aaron spoke as my prophet,

For I was slow to speak.

And I the prophet of "I am",

Was the man Gods voice would reach.

Mana rained from the sky,

Feeding ex slaves and mules!

They murmured as I turned away,

And they constructed a golden bull!

Stone tablets my anger breaks!

A veil covered my face.

After leaving out of his presence,

My face now radiates!

But I, made a mistake!

Paradise, I won't live to experience in full .

Because I, the tool,

Made claim to the Masters fuel!

"Shall I give you water?"

© Kevin Blue