

the winters journey part 1
Snow is grounded like the rain
As balanced as the set
Relating here my journey thence
I'll say lest I forget

It fell just like a wooly cloud
And I could not dictate
To any part of nature here
Nor even my own fate

Blinded by the snow I go
From house into the dark
No emperor I yet would not reign
O'er field or road, but mark.

Observing such a quiet dawn
I feel that snow come down
My pockets are half empty
Yet I smile and do not frown

I leave my small abode and drift
Towards the empty street
Some several crows are wandering
They float but never meet.

My stomach churns as I recall
Those memories, brought me low
So now I think of cherished dreams
And onward now I go.

The rooves of many houses find
Their place as distant now
As any northern sea from lands
Where fruits rot as they grow.

My lover gone she vanished in
A night which broke my calm
I cursed her as she flew from me
But never gave my palm.

Then by myself I found myself
A spider came and went
I tried to sleep yet not a wink
Though energy was spent.

Now back to this grim morning so
The falling snow is cold
This winters journey is a threat
Yet I'll be firm and bold.
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