

Life, the essence that separates us from the departed,
Life, the essence that separates us from the departed,
Where breath and laughter still thrive,
Emotions stir and hearts beat fervently,
While death lurks in the shadows, waiting.

Death, life's formidable adversary,
Disrupting the order as it goes,
Feared by many, yet always triumphant,
Despite attempts to elude its grasp.

Hiding from death is like a game of hide and seek,
It seeks those who hide,
And hides from those who seek it.
Inevitably, winning in the end.

Life, deceptively gentle but often more fearsome than death,
Leading many to yearn for its counterpart.
Yet, it remains a realm desired by most,
For the boundless joy it offers,
And the fear of the unknown that is death.
© chayansays...