

What If?
What if I dyed my hair florescent orange and green?
How would you see me then?
What if I wore a hippie dress and combat boots to church?
How would you see me?
If I try a smokey eye makeup style?
Would you see me differently?
What if I had a dark tan?
Would I look different to you?
Is it just the exterior you see?
Can no one see ME in here?
Does anyone know me at all?
I am captured in the narrow view of those who judge by what I wear
Their thoughts are shallow, mean, they don't care
Forked tongue's dripping with poison
I hear them say I must repent and seek the Lord
If they read the Bible they would know Jesus was treated this way too
He was said to keep the wrong company and disreguard rules
Constantly slandered by ignorant fools
None asked about the passion of my soul
The motive of my heart, tenderness, how deeply I love
Sadness fills me at the look in their eyes
Judgement rendered, makes me sigh
Where is the LOVE, compassion, gentle nature?
Jesus commanded us to love one another
Enemy, self, neighbor, sister and brother
Dear Father, pour out your grace!
Let pure love radiate from each and every face
Please forgive us Lord for not obeying what you came to teach
Take hatred, envy, fear, worry, greed and doubt
Every thing that we are better off without
Cleanse evil from our heart and mind
So we can see the beauty within mankind.