

Female Friendships
Female friendships!
What do you think of when you think of this word?
Many of you will say something that's really absurd.

They say it's complicated and mean and for selfish needs,
But the truth is they prevent you from being high on weeds.

Someone told me that they don't believe such friends exist,
I told them I have some, all the whirls of your emotions, they resist.

They make you strong when you're not and when you're battling evil,
They'll chase you and save you in the jungles from the weevil.

They sense the danger coming from miles away in your life,
To fight your hard times, they'll come from miles away with a knife.

The therapeutic lazy meetings with them are always worth the wait,
They cry, they laugh, they forever stand with you in your fate.

They are your cheerers, they are your dearer too,
You need not to feel judged, about what they'll think of you.

I know, not all friendships are like these but some of them are,
They can never hurt you, in fact they become band-aids to your scar.

You trust them, you love them because they'll be with you even from the far,
The best of female friendships, they'll uplift you , make you shine like a star.