

My Eyes

© RebeccaLMathias

I cannot place you in my memory, but you somehow have a home there.
As though we've always known one another.
When you look into my eyes.

Time is lost and all surroundings fade away.
I feel my heart pounding and I'm scared.
When you stare into my eyes.

To me, you are beautiful. Familiar, yet a strangers face.
I can't help but feel intoxicated.
When you gaze into my eyes.

So many questions you make me ask myself.
So much confusion you bring to my life.
Yet, when you look into my eyes....

You are not mine to touch.
You are not mine to keep.
You are not mine to rightfully love.
So for now, I'll embrace those long, soulful, meaningful,
somewhere lost in time looks into my eyes.