

am I ready for love? 💕
Am I ready for love?
Or should I just wait a while,
Has my patience been eased,
Or am I to search another mile.

Am I ready for him,
Eye to eye, heart to heart,
Beating fast, painting peace,
Planted to grow a seed and start.
Am I ready for what could be?

Mind and spirit, body and soul,
Desire is a flower,
Blooming by hour,
I know I am already fully whole.

I am ready to embrace love,
With an open, starstruck hand,
Laughter is sun, Trust is moon,
Awakening in love’s land.

Is anyone ever truly ready?
When the time does arrive,
Yearning for beautiful belonging,
For every chance we strive.

We are born for love,
Heart is made for longing.
Love is given from above.
It is worth the wait so prepare and be ready.

am I ready for love? 💕

© MegM🌻