

undying love
Hi, its just you again ready to undress my thoughts and capture my imagination like a pirate,
And as the love concentrates us to the rhythm of our own touches with no regret,
My hands scented with desire to run through your body i bet you are gonna appreciate,
As i whisper each word through ua ears and absorbed by ua heartbeat at its rate,
Bring it all even though you will drip those kisses that unlocks the pattern of my lips,
With the freshness of your vibes that tickles the love from my heart to the finger tips,
Your very eyes defining the depth of it all with a stare through ua mouth that unzips,
With ua pause you smoothen the variations of the wind which holds us with tighter grips,
I can't deny that the secrecy of ua figure and beauty lies within the overlapping of ua hips,
In your every abscence my memory is filtered by the purity of each moment we enjoyed,
I love it wen u manipulate my sight with the dressing code till i get paranoid,
Your breasts with undying attitude is the root of my adrenaline rush that i can never avoid,
Am always ready for you to unmask your face with a smile that reserves more effect than an android,
© markkiptoo