

The story of life,
Is a work in progress,
Success or strife,
You're allowed to digress,
Because life itself is not easy,
It's a journey that your destination,
Is uncertain and it gives you what,
You don't want and that is life itself.

Imagine, having a great dream,
to achieve and you end up struggling,
Without knowing that life itself,
Has another plan for you totally,
Different from what you think.

No one knows tomorrow,
The rich might become poor,
And the poor will become rich,
That is just the shift in life,
Don't allow what you pass through,
Today to hinder what the future,

Holds for you,
Just hold on,
It may tarry but,
It will surely come,
You just need to be patient,
Life is turn by turn,
When it's turn you rejoice,
Smile with those that theirs comes,

Don't be a sadist,
Good things comes to those,
Who wait,
Wait for us,
It will surely come.

© Egbe Naomi