

We All Face Failure
I need to do it, I need this win
concentrate, regenerate
don't let my defences get thin

I'm trying hard, on my guard
giving my all, please don't fall
don't you dare show disregard

Oh I missed, not quite on track
frustrating, infuriating
eyes front and watch your back

Falling short, getting behind
reaching, failing, try again
slowly creeping into my mind

Crunch point, this the decider
sink or swim, out or in
address the balance or gap gets wider

External battle, internal war
divided, blind sided, praise or derided
school yourself, control to the fore

We face a struggle head on every day
our minds the maze, emotions ablaze
but speak to yourself the right way

Be forgiving, press on positively
affirmations, inhalations
breathe out, have no doubt, decisively

© .Garry Saunders