

A Love Letter
My love

Last night is etched into my heart and soul. If only you knew how passionate, how hot, how desirable you were. The look of rapture and want on your face, the urgency and desire of your hips moving uncontrollably, set my heart on fire with want and need for you.
I can truly say at that moment you were the most beautiful and desirable woman in the world. I remember every moment and relive it in my mind and it excites me every time I think of it.
The wetness between your thighs, your fingers grasping at my body, the urgency of your need for me to be inside you was electric.
It's a side of you that doesn't come out often but when it does it is earth shattering. You made me feel like I was 20 again and so glad to be a man. It's times like that, that make me want to put a child inside you, to give you all I have.
It was so beautiful, naughty and magical all at the same time that it made my head spin. A moment in time when you don't know anything but what your feeling, lost, vulnerable and safe all at the same time. It was Fifty Shades for me and went by to quickly as the best things in life do. It's how I always imagined love should and could be.

I just wanted to let you know that lover. So happy and privledged to be your friend, lover and husband.

#erotic #desire #lovers