

The Secrets Under You

The Secrets Under You,
Which I discovered,
What else do you Shelter from Me,

You're like a Mystery,
That I desire to Solve,
I learn so much about You,
My Tensions never Resolved,

I Sense your heart's Burdened,
But there's something Uncertain,
About your Presence,
Or your Absence,
That's when I draw The Curtains,


Revealed Is A Painful Truth,
The Whole time, I was being Abused?
What Else Did you Hide,
Oh, So You're Useless Too?

I Hate you, But Deep down, I still Love you,

But the Bruises Are like Markers, Permanent,
As Is your Descent,

And like The Sun,
You'll Rise,
But Remember and Never Forget,
You'll Fall Down during Sunset,

And Listen to The Silence of Me,
No More Empty Words You'll Need.

© HeartofSpade