

Is My Love Real?
Is it really love that I feel?
I cannot tell
What does love feel like?
Is it how I feel?

I don't imagine
what others imagine love to be
I don't imagine a king and queen
Dancing elegantly across a ball room floor

I don't imagine
Rain dripping down smiling faces
Feet splashing in puddles as they confess their undying love
Sharing a most treasured memory

I don't imagine
Them laying on a blanket
Looking up at the stars while huddled together
Pointing out constellations to each other

What I do imagine
Is far different from these
Is something I'm not sure about
I'm not sure if it's a love that's possible

I imagine
Them holding one another
Sitting in each other's comfort and presence
Crying together

I imagine
Them willing to do anything for one another
To spend their last dying breath
Just to save the person they love most

I imagine
Love not being just the moments spent
But also the mental willingness
To admit they would do anything

Is my version also love?
Or is it just make believe?
I need to know if it's possible
To love someone like that and live happily
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