

Blue Moon
According to astrology,
You and I have perfect synastry.
Not just that basic sun sign shit
But the time of birth blueprint.
I never thought you’d be the one,
I considered to be my soulmate.
I remember the very first time we met,
Walking out the door something stopped me
From taking that next step.
My body? Paralyzed.
My heart? Mesmerized.
My brain? Petrified.
My spirit? Giving you the side eyes.
My stomach filled with butterflies.
I couldn’t help but to fantasize,
If there was a way our worlds could collide.
I sat across from you asking what you were doing alone,
You said you were arguing over the phone.
Apparently, she left you on read,
Jokingly I insulted your choice of friends.
You said you haven’t been able to find better,
I told you it was your lucky day and that you were looking right at her.
I just couldn’t help it,
As a Leo Ascendant.
Our relationship was never a conventional one,
Best friends with the bonus beneficial fun.
You were a bit of a womanizer,
Knowing you were a Gemini,
I could’ve been brighter,
But my Libra sun couldn’t be bothered.
Childhood trauma still left undeciphered.
As a child of divorce,
Your intimacy issues were reinforced.
I knew it was time for a change of course.
We made a promise of “open and honest,”
Were it to ever break, it’s gone, we’ve lost us.
November twenty-fifteen we sat down and talked seriously,
My Cancer moon said with sincerity,
“I Love You, but if we’re not doing this officially, I’ll flee.”
Your Libra moon couldn’t handle that to any degree.
And your Virgo Rising sure wasn’t letting your ass leave.
Fast-forward five years to twenty-twenty,
Together we stand with a ring on my left hand.
On Halloween we’ll bind our fates together by hosting a handfasting,
A Celtic tradition of two Souls Uniting.
The stars perfectly aligned for our moment.
A second full moon, a blue moon, in Taurus.
The sign of your Venus, a beautiful night meant for us.
Personal planets in Scorpio, bring a whole new component.
There’s a divine plan layed before us.
I just know It.


© RoseLevesque