

Don’t hate lies.
They are desperate,
Ignorant souls, falsified by their own partners.

Walking lonely on lonely paths,
Always holding safeguards
Many were rescued, several were armoured
Yet I carry the blemish of sin.

I provide the heavenly adobe
When there is no hope.
Still I linger in the dark
Where my loneliness bark.

I’m a feeble being, pining lonely
Till embraced by weak & coward.
I suck their strength to grow myself
And become their benefactor

I am a friend with benefit
An absolute hedonist
Who trails the endless path.

I was accompanied till I remain
the cloak of hide
to keep the truth abide.

Yet I’m doomed to dump
By those learn to pump
The spirit of success and challenge.

Always a tortured
Always blamed.

Severely outcasted!!
Yet the most reliable armour

© Amrita Chandan