

Light In The Dark: Stars
In the canvas of the night, where dreams take flight,
Twinkle the stars, with their radiant light.
They dance in the heavens, so far and high,
A celestial ballet, beneath the sky.

Stars, like whispers of the universe, so profound,
Their silent stories, in the night resound.
They hold secrets of the cosmos, in their glow,
A spectacle of beauty, in the night's tableau.

Each star, a beacon of hope, shining bright,
Guiding us through the darkest night.
They inspire dreams, ignite imagination,
A celestial symphony, of divine creation.

Stars, like diamonds, scattered in the sky,
Their brilliance captures every wandering eye.
They remind us of the vastness of space,
And our place in the universe, in this cosmic race.

In their light, we find solace and peace,
A reminder that even in darkness, wonders never cease.
They teach us resilience, to shine through the night,
And to find our own sparkle, our inner light.

So let us gaze upon the stars, with awe and delight,
And let their beauty fill our hearts, every night.
For in their glow, we find a connection,
A celestial bond, a heavenly reflection.

Stars, the guardians of the night, so serene,
Their silent lullaby, a sight unseen.
May their light guide us, through life's winding path,
And their beauty inspire us, in their aftermath.

© D.mia