

Listen to my Lullaby

I wrote this many years ago in 6th grade... still it has meaning at this age

Listen to my lonely lullaby
As all the world's thoughts halt to cry.
Cry for the children to learn
Some misguided ways will have to turn
Turn into ever lasting peace and love
Only the pure can lay hands upon a dove
Peace will come in form of satisfaction
To love your enemies and show compassion
Compassion is like when children no difference
When time does arive show no hesitance
Give to anyone who asks without self motivation..
The happiness you provide gives them self preservation
In guiding a lifes path forward,
you'll be guiding ones path inward
In pursuit of the right direction
Maybe the Time has arrived for a mankind seize its salvation

This change is essentially due
It's not just for me , but for all of you too

© Rebel Reaper