

Dear Chathrine love
looking at you is like having someone to look up to
your smile with those beautiful gap teeth , that I admire but never told you while you were still here, I wish I did.
now I understand why we should always complement the good we see in one another , but I have learnt it the hard way.
Dear Chathrine , am glad that I spent some time with you, the laughter we shared , the advice we shared , most of all the friendship we shared .
I can remember your favorite word you always say and I quote " na person wey de alive de talk about problems, meaning one's health is more important than their problems beacause problems no de finish".
Chathrine, the girl with the curves every girl would wish to have .
I admire the way you come out strong despite all the sickness that came your way, your a strong woman with a big heart.
so far so good your that woman that Never judge your fellow humans , you accept people the way they are.
Dear Chathrine, the news of your demise was a big blow to my heart , I can't still believe it whenever I look at your pictures and imagine that your gone it really breaks my heart.
Chathrine is one of a kind , beautiful all round
we love you chatrine .

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