

True Friends
They Fight for you
They Respect you
They Invite you
They Encourage you
They Need you
They Defend you

That is a true friendship, it's not everyone you call your friend that's actually one
You never know who's on your side
Until you are in a situation that's leaves you helpless
True Friends will stand by you through thick or thin
While fake friends will just leave you stranded

They always back you up when you need it
They argue with the person you fight with not knowing you are the person at fault
Doesn't that just sound like true friendship
Not everyone is lucky when it comes to genuine friendship

Respect, some people don't really know what is respect in friendship
You insult me , I insult you back it's fun I get
But there are words that shouldn't be said
Boundaries that shouldn't be crossed at all, feelings that's should not be hurt
Real friends respect your choices and decisions
Fake friends will always go behind your back

The people you thought you knew you actually don't
The people I thought were my true friends are not really
ha!, I laugh sometimes when I hear the word it o my reminds me of pain instead of love

How can you say that the people you can your friends are truly genuine
At least to me the one I call my friend next discourages me , when I need to be cheered up she got me
They have my back whenever I need it
Invite me to place so we can be together
Now to me that really sounds like a genuine friend


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