

Game to lose.

People say ‘Young love won’t last’
And now I know that it is true
I once believed in true love
I once believed in happy endings
But as I get older I’m getting wiser
I know you and I won’t end happily.

My silhouette reflects sadness
My shadows are drowning in my sorrows
Those nights when our eyes were fixed on each other
I believed our souls were tied together
But still, my conscience yells at me
That you and I are two worlds apart.

The string that holds our souls will break
The sun too will lose its warmth
And looking at you and loving you with my heart
Made me realise that we are mere dead bodies
Which has lost its warmth years ago
But yet we still thrive to live.

I still wanna love you, I still wanna make you mine
But you are too afraid to give your heart to me
‘This won’t work darling’ you said
And my world collapsed even though I already knew it
It’s getting harder to breathe, I’m barely surviving
Please understand me or I might die.

Because I gave u all of me but u don’t want to accept me
It hurts it hurts it hurts so bad
My breath is breaking, I’m sobbing
My body is shaking I feel like I’m dying
But still, this too will end and so does my love
Because all along loving you was a game I played to lose.

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