

"Can you..?"
As the gears in my brain rust with age
And the tears from my eyes turn them red
May my chapped lips stutter simply
A phrase, a question holding more significance
More value then anything else that my breath could form

A question that grasps my throat, pinning me to the wall, struggling
Gasping for air, for meaning, for an answer
An answer to a question so much more difficult then what the four words would portray
The tension seeping through my pores,

"Can you love me?"

Eyes bloodshot, staring at your blank face
Fingernails digging into my skin, teeth biting my lower lip
I watch in slow motion as your lips part,
Your mouth slightly agape as you breathe
While my pacing has grown ecstatic,
Yours has remained calm, water serene
Mine a current of fury
Your calm, lackluster eyes meet my agile, dilated pupils
a small inhale and a tounge click later


© Marah Schneider