

Track records
Track records are a funny thing, ain't it?
So black and white, no grey
No indication as to what happened in-between, only the ending remains in memory
Looking back at my own track record, on the romantic side, there's nothing really to write home about
Bonds end, relations fracture, it's a part of life
And I don't have any animosity or bear any resentment towards any of my previous lovers, it just wasn't meant to be
But seeing where they are now, leaves pondering realities in my mind
One is engaged, the other has a newborn, and the last one has moved in with her partner
All of them moving on, making huge steps
Leaving me to ponder, what am I still doing wrong?
Have I done this love thing all wrong?
Will I ever deal in the joy of those kind of moves?
It's a slippery slope between being patient and letting fate play things out, and do you grab life by the scruff of the neck, and take it from it what you want?
It's questions I've long struggled with, and being a believer means that all of these things is not in my hands, but in the Almighty's
But how longer I can wait, is diminishing by the day
Dejected i ask, how much longer do I need to spin my wheels in the mud, without anyone sticking out a tow to free and draw me in?