

to my best friend
You say we are best friends,
but you never hade time for me.
And even in that little time we had,
we just argued mostly.

Or we talked about you,
you never cared about me I guess.
It was always
what you've done,
what you're doing,
what you'll be doing,
and more "what you's".

I'm an introvert,
and so I relied on you.
But you made me feel lonely,
in that crowded room.

You were never there,
when I needed you.
In those desperate times,
I had no one to hold.

But in the end of the day,
you say we're besties.
I never thought this would end toxic,
until you decided to change.

© Aurora Bridston

sincerely hoping no one finds this relatable...

And this is my fiftieth poem!! Thank you for all the support!!! :)

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